saturday lw
@mike's page > hobbies > mindstorms > weltweit lego
> legoworld zwolle 2010 > sunday - lw
monday - mcp
LEGO World 2010
Sunday - LEGO World
Sunday - LEGO World Zwolle: On sunday I did a early morning photo session ... so much to see ... but not enough time! |
LEGO World Zwolle - City: From garden sheds to imperial Castles, every size is available! |
LEGO World Zwolle - Trains: Long trains, short trains, complete train layouts, or just a small station ... TRAINS! |
LEGO World Zwolle - GBC: Simple modules, complicated modules, flawless modules, and such modules that need very much attention, colored modules, or plain colors ... but of course a lot of modules! |
LEGO World Zwolle - Star Wars: Gungans at Naboo, Pod Racer at the Outer Rims, Battle Droids, Rebels, Imperials ... and the Moon of Endor. Max Rebo and band, or Darth Vader ... STAR WARS! |
LEGO World Zwolle - Technic: Small crane trucks, large crane trucks, gigantic cranes. A roller coaster and a chopper from Avatar ... all that's Technic! |
LEGO World Zwolle - some: Three-master, LEGO space in large scale. Clocks of diverent made, Bionicle never ends, puzzles, comics and mosaics ... |
Sunday - Evening: Meeting point Bella Nappoli at the town center of Zwolle, icy cold outside, cosy inside, Pizza for all, Tiramisu only for some, nice conversation ... enjoy your meal! |
saturday lw
@mike's page > hobbies > mindstorms > weltweit lego
> legoworld zwolle 2010 > sunday - lw
monday - mcp