important attendees      @mike's page > hobbies > mindstorms > weltweit lego > fll atlanta 2010 > sunday - going home?     monday, tuesday - washington d.c.





FLL Atlanta 2010

going home?

Sunday - Morning: 
8:00 am: John took me with his car to the airport - thanks again!
The flight to Washington D.C. was short and without any problems!
Sunday - Dulles International Airport: 
11:00 am: Washington D.C. Dulles Airport is large ... especially when you look for someone from Lufthansa to get information about my flight to Europe. Office hours usually after 2:00 pm ... keep on waiting!
so let's hope for the best
Sunday - Dulles International Airport: 
3:00 pm: still at the airport ... but I checked in for my flight ... if nothing bad happens.

4:45 pm: Only minutes befor I got on the plane comes the bad news - flight canceled!

6:00 pm: At the Days Inn at Dulles Airport, payed by Lufthansa ... nice room!

erupting vulcano Eyjafjallajoekull in Iceland
all flights cancelled


Days Inn ...

... at Dulles Int. Airport

nice room ...

... for two days?
Sunday - Night: 
6:30 pm: Hurry on for a short night trip to Washington D.C. town center ...

the Smithsonian Castle ...

... today the visitors centre

a roundabout at
The National Mall

Washington Monument

Washington Monument Lodge

a look back to the
U.S. Capitol

National WWII

Lincoln Memorial

look back to
Washington Monument

Abraham Lincoln

many visitors ...

... even late at night


Reflecting Pool
Washington Monument
Washington Monument
and U.S. Capitol

Korean War Veterans

important attendees      @mike's page > hobbies > mindstorms > weltweit lego > fll atlanta 2010 > sunday - going home?     monday, tuesday - washington d.c.