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FLL Atlanta 2010

First LEGO League

Friday - Morning: 
Instead of the Waffles House we had brakfast on friday as invited guests of FIRST. Not bad!
So we had a chat in the morning and watched the opening ceremony from top of the stadion ... 
bread and bricks ...
... for breakfast
opening ceremony ...
... at the Georgia Dome
even robots watched!
Friday - Atlanta break: 
On Friday I took a few hours off for sightseeing ...
I had a quick look at the Centennial Olympic Park, the Coca Cola Museum and attended the guided tour through
CNN headquartes ...
And outside of the Georgia Dome NASA had their moonrover on display.
on display ...
... a NASA ...
... moonrover


battery charging unit

two joysticks, four displays

controlled by USB stick

moonrover (6 MB)

moonrover (10 MB)
Centennial Olympic Park
blossoms ...
... and art
movie memories
have a break
opposite Coke - fish
bottles in the lobby
beads and beads and beads ...
inside the ...
...memorabilia room
worlds largest bottle opener
Mona Cola
all I want for Christmas
is a Coke!
Matrjoschka Cola doll

the taste of the world
a guided tour through
CNN headquarters
CNN pimped Humvee
Friday - FLL: 
After my visit of the outside world I was back again at the LEGO booth and the FLL challenges ...
old NXT-T
crowds of attendees
even robots use escalators
Vitruvian robot

little girl ...
... and large program

AI on the NXT

impressed visitors
crowd at the LEGO booth
Birthe & Steven
Buzz & Woody
Marc-Andre & his friend
(country) Joe & the fish
tearing down ...
... of the LEGO booth
next step dinner ...
Atlanta monarchy
Friday - Evening: 
FIRST invited us to the Georgia Aquarium for dinner ... at the great ball room!
After that we were allowed to linger through the aquarium ... and that was great!
Georgia Aquarium
waiting for food
Lotte & Jay
Joe & Patric
Martijn & new iPhone apps
the great ball room ...
... with a view to the aquarium
"Fish are friends. Not food!"
first ...
... speeches ...
... then ...
... food
Patric & Michael
Joe live!
Bon ...
... Appetit!
entrance to ...
... the waterworld
moving floor
Beluga & Beluga
the large fish tank (24 MB)

many jellyfish (7 MB)  

jellyfish close up (13 MB)  
cu later, aligator (12 MB)
Friday - Night: 
After the Georgia Aquarium ... the call was "the bar at the Ritz Carlton" ... OK, why not?

on our way ...
... through the night
with the help ...

... of Martijn and ...
... Google Maps
parking space at the bar
a view from the balcony

thursday - fll      @mike's page > hobbies > mindstorms > weltweit lego > fll atlanta 2010 > friday - fll     saturday - mcp