EuroRex, a robotic progress ... April 10th, 2007
At team EuroRex are two groups of designers working at the moment ...
... Dr. Fronkensteen and Dr. Frank'n'furter!
Andreas (subteam Germany)
He created his Penguin. Humanoid, of course!

Bill of materials: 
6 motors
2 light sensors
1 US sensor
1 sound sensor
10 connection cables
some LEGO bricks

height: 38 cm
weight: aprox. 2000 g

penguin21.jpg (57232 Byte) penguin22.jpg (62049 Byte) penguin23.jpg (55238 Byte) penguin24.jpg (50864 Byte) penguin25.jpg (50437 Byte) penguin26.jpg (58780 Byte) penguin12.jpg (47938 Byte) penguin27.jpg (72193 Byte)
Here is a video of Penguin walking. (11 MB) - walking ...
This robot can walk! But are penguins fighting?  
Mike (subteam Austria):
He created his Popeye. Behaves like a drunken sailor!

Bill of materials: 
6 motors
2 light sensors
1 US sensor
9 connection cables
some LEGO bricks

height: 45 cm
weight: 1450 g

popeye2_03.jpg (69639 Byte) popeye2_04.jpg (68326 Byte) popeye2_05.jpg (69183 Byte) popeye2_06.jpg (74842 Byte) popeye2_07.jpg (73848 Byte) popeye2_08.jpg (80132 Byte)
Here is a video of Popeye walking.

(you can open these files with Quicktime, VLC or Irfanview)

popeye2_1.3gp (200 kB) - stepping ...
popeye2_2.3gp (200 kB) - greetings earthling!
popeye2_3.3gp (300 kB) - walking ...
popeye2_4.3gp (300 kB) - walking ...
This robot can walk! And he will fight!  
End of show!